Motorcycle guys on the Discovery Channel, arguing about fenders. Spent the evening listening to Elvis C. outtakes, The Fatal Flying Guilloteens, Strummer and the Mescaleros, Eels and Buddy Holly. A hiatus on television until now, 'cause Futurama's coming on, and I see no reason to embargo Futurama. Or, actually, most cartoons. But the VTR's set to copy Cowboy Bebop for the next few days, so I'm not gonna miss that in any serious way, and everything else I'm happy to not bother seeing (although I'll admit that Trigun's growing on me).

So, yeah, television embargo for a few days. Just music and the net and words.

And work.

And news.

Sparked on Jolie tonight about the whole FCC abortion. Not that she has much of an opinion one way or another. She was calling about dinner orders for the wedding. I kept apologizing and kept getting all hacked off fresh and she kept laughing and saying it was okay.

I am just a sideshow for the people I love.

Which is better than being a psychic toilet for the world.



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