A detective responsible for investigating race-hate crime, who was exposed by the Telegraph as being married to a British National Party member and living in a shrine to Hitler, has resigned from her post.

Dc Linda Daniels, who worked for the community safety unit in Notting Hill, west London, lives in a house in Essex festooned with Nazi regalia and has a dummy in an SS uniform in her hallway.

The couple's dog is named Blondi after Hitler's pet alsatian and they used to keep a bust of the dictator next to a picture of Dc Daniels in police uniform. Her husband of 10 years, Keith Beaumont, is a member of the far-Right BNP and believes that the facts of the Holocaust have been "exaggerated".

Community safety units were set up after the inquiry into the racist murder of Stephen Lawrence to inquire into "hate crimes", including "racist crime, domestic violence, homophobic crime and hate mail". Dc Daniels is understood to have worked for the unit for at least two years.

Well, shit.

But, y'know, perfect character in a story, really. Such an intrigue. Think about it; the perfect position to make sure the crimes, that you see as advancement for your cause, are never really stopped or even seriously investigated.

Fucking Nazis.


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