The response to the Turkey & Gravy Jones Soda has been incredible. Thank you for your interest and patience in regards to this soda. We apologize if you were not able to get your hands on the Turkey & Gravy Jones Soda. Since this was a premium edition with limited quantities in Michigan and Washington region, we sold out pretty quickly. However, due to the huge interests from our consumers, we will be better prepared to meet everyone's need next year. All the sales from Turkey & Gravy soda will be going to Toys for Tots. If you sign up for our free Jones Soda newsletter, you will get advance notice of future premium flavors.

Almost not worth posting 'cept that they're right around the corner from work and, fuck, it's turkey & gravy soda. How could I ignore that? Plus, Jones Soda pretty much kicks ass, and I'm always looking to spread the word on things that kick ass.


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