Bernard Kerik's nanny. Bernard Kerik's Ground Zero love nest. Bernard Kerik.
That a man who finds the Geneva Conventions "quaint" is going to be our next attorney general.
Janet Jackson's briefly exposed right boob.
That the media thought "Don't be economic girlie men" was a great line.
Funny, sad & frustrating. And, to my shame, I was truly beginning to let some of this crap slide out of my head. Starting a new year by forgetting the old seems like a really poorly thought-out way of going about things. Although it kinda seems like the way our gov't is working these days, doesn't it?
All right, still determined to have a nice night, so I've cracked Pal A's Xmas present of homemade Irish Cream. The woman makes a strong drink, friends. Praise Jesus.
Happy New Year!
(link via Fark)