"There are five steps in our plan to help Iraq achieve democracy and freedom," Mr Bush said. "We will hand over authority to a sovereign Iraqi government, help establish security, continue rebuilding Iraq's infrastructure, encourage more international support and move toward a national election that will bring forward new leaders empowered by the Iraqi people."
Jr, just to give you a heads-up; just SAYING what you'd LIKE to have happen doesn't mean that you have a PLAN.
And somehow, half of us are still looking to elect the fucker.
Wonder how long it'll be before it's illegal to call the fucker a fucker.
Any opinion?
"There are five steps in our plan to help Iraq achieve democracy and freedom," Mr Bush said. "We will hand over authority to a sovereign Iraqi government, help establish security, continue rebuilding Iraq's infrastructure, encourage more international support and move toward a national election that will bring forward new leaders empowered by the Iraqi people."
Jr, just to give you a heads-up; just SAYING what you'd LIKE to have happen doesn't mean that you have a PLAN.
And somehow, half of us are still looking to elect the fucker.
Wonder how long it'll be before it's illegal to call the fucker a fucker.
Any opinion?