Hey y'all. Sorry, not much of an update tonight. Have been on the deck for the last couple of hours, watching the rain fall, listening to The Royal Tenenbaums soundtrack and writing my little head off. Things are moving in my head again, which is good. Exposition is accelerating. There is a story that is becoming more than a straight line, and is becoming a pleasant tangle of arc, ellipses & tangents. And the occasional u-turn.

And, really, that just makes me smile. Page 54, motherfuckers. 16,000 words and counting.

A couple of items of note, however. Received BROOKLYNTOWNE cds from my boy the Chin the other day, and they look pretty fucking kickass. Nice going, Jen Screamer. And nice going, fellas. It's a fine, fine piece of music. Anybody who's interested in picking one up from me ($10 ppd), drop an email or going clicky on The Deacons link to your left to contact Screaming Al for one. Or just keep an eye out in your local Jet City, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Brass City or general Tri-State area indie record store.

Right. I'm for outs. Many good & bad things happened in the world today. I'd suggest checking out the Times, boingboing & FARK. You won't get the whole picture, but you'll get the idea.


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