Former United States Air Force
facility located in Central Washington State
10 minutes off I-90

Underground Buildings:

Power Dome - 125' diameter, 75' ceiling
Control Dome - 100' diameter, 50' ceiling
3 - 155' deep Missile Silos
3 - Equipment Terminal Builings - 4 Stories
3 - Misc. Buildings adjacent to Silos
Ex-Air Intake Building (Empty Useable Space)
Ex-Air Exhaust Building (Empty Useable Space)
2 - Antenna Silos - 6 stories deep
1 - Entry Portal Building- 6 stories deep

Underground tunnel level 5 stories below ground level.
Underground has a constant unheated temperature of 55 degrees.
Wall thicknesses 2 feet to 14 feet.
Built to withstand a 1 MEGATON blast within 3,000 feet and survive!
Private water system with 700' well.
3 Phase High-Voltage Power on site.
Paved Roads.
Original perimeter barbed-wire topped chainlink fence intact.
Original 40' by 100' metal shop above ground.
2 manufactured homes on property.
Ground water level approx. 600 feet below surface.

For those of you who claim to love me, missed my birthday and have a tiny bit of disposable income to throw my way, this little gem is up for grabs on eBay. Bidding starts just under $4 million. Hey, you, Whittaker, Powerball about it?


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